Electronic Arts ha annunciato ufficialmente che il game Command & Conquer 4, prossimo episodio della fortunata serie Tiberium, è attualmente in fase di sviluppo presso gli studi di EA Los Angeles.
Inoltre il suo rilascio in versione per PC (EA non ha fatto alcuna allusione ad eventuali edizioni del titolo in grado di supportare le console HD Microsoft Xbox 360 e Sony Playstation 3, ndr) è fissato soltanto per il prossimo anno.
In accordo al comunicato stampa di presentazione, peraltro allegato di seguito, il nuovo titolo di RTS, o Real-Time-Strategy, che è ambientato nel 2062, offre ai gamer una modalità multiplayer particolarmente ricca ed evoluta, che include anche sessioni improntate al lavoro di squadra e alla cooperazione.
Il primo trailer del gioco sarà reso disponibile il prossimo 23 Luglio.
Los Angeles, California, July 9, 2009 - Behold disciples of Nod, the end is soon upon us. Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that,
after almost 15 years and 30 million games sold, EALA is bringing the award-winning Tiberium series to an epic conclusion
with Command & Conquer 4. Shipping in 2010, Command & Conquer 4 will introduce
a multitude of innovations to the to the classic fast and fluid Command & Conquer gameplay while retaining the
core compulsions that fans have come to love over the series' history. Introducing new class-based gameplay, mobile
bases and persistent player progression throughout all game modes, Command & Conquer 4 offers players new,
innovative and compelling strategic depth.
"Command & Conquer is a powerful franchise with an amazing 15-year legacy. We are thrilled
to bring the dramatic Tiberium saga to a conclusion in Command & Conquer 4. This game is designed
to give fans all the answers they've been looking for," said Mike Glosecki, Lead Producer of Command & Conquer 4
at EA Los Angeles. "With its objective-based multiplayer mode, persistent player progression and all-in-one mobile base,
players will experience Command & Conquer like never before."
The story of Command & Conquer 4 takes place after the events of the critically acclaimed
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. The year is 2062 and humanity is at the brink of extinction.
With only six years left until the mysterious crystalline structure Tiberium renders the earth entirely uninhabitable,
the two opposing factions - Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod - inevitably find themselves in
desperation for the same cause: to stop Tiberium from extinguishing mankind. The unthinkable becomes reality and Nod's
enigmatic leader Kane takes off for GDI headquarters. What is Kane planning in the heart of his enemies' base?
Command & Conquer 4 draws the epic conclusion to the beloved Tiberium universe, where fans will learn
the fate of Earth, Nod, Tiberium, GDI and most importantly, Kane's motivations behind his decade-long plan.
In addition to the two campaigns on the epic battles of GDI and Nod, which players will get to conquer alone or
in a cooperative mode, Command & Conquer 4 will also feature a new 5v5 objective-based multiplayer mode, promoting
teamwork and cooperation and delivering a social real-time-strategy experience never seen before in a
Command & Conquer 4 game.
Command & Conquer 4 is being developed at EA Los Angeles and will ship to retailers in 2010 for the PC. The game
has not yet been rated by the ESRB or PEGI. For more information about the game, please visit http://www.commandandconquer.com
or follow the community and development team on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ea_apoc.
The July 24th episode of BattleCast PrimeTime will give fans the latest news and exclusive information on
Command & Conquer 4. Additionally, Gametrailers TV will exclusively reveal the fist cinematic trailer for
Command & Conquer 4 in its July 23rd episode on SPIKE TV.
News Source: Electronic Arts Press Release