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Release Notes - CleanMem 2.0.0

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CleanMem 2.0.0
Changed the default task scheduler run time for CleanMem from 30 min to 15 min.
Fixed the 256 char limit for the setting file. The limit is now 4096 chars.
Performance enhancement to CleanMem.exe. It will now only load the lists if that list is enabled. Before it loaded them every time.
Changed the API used to pull system stats.
The page file info shown in Windows XP and 2003 task manager is actually Commit Total. To stay with proper naming I have changed the name in the program from page file to Commit Total.
The mini monitor would format the numbers down to 3 decimal points. Example: 1.999 GB. Due to the new info the mini monitor can show in the text fields I have lowered it to 2 decimal points. Example: 1.99 GB. This is to better fit the new information in the amount of available space. This will also round the numbers, so 1.999 will become 2.00.
Changed the default bar fill graphic.
Changed some of the default settings for the mini monitor. Such as bar fill text color and show border. These of course are still changeable by the user.
The right click menu that is on the system tray icon is now accessible from the main settings window as well.
Removed Clean Memory button from the mini monitor. Users can right click on the mini monitor for the clean memory option. With the button gone users can now set the position of the text on the monitor. Left, Center, Right
Added a online help file link to the menu. This will go to the guide on how to use CleanMem and the Mini Monitor.
When you first install CleanMem you no longer have to reboot before the task scheduler will start running CleanMem.
On Windows Vista & 7 when the UAC is enabled the tray icon would not show if explorer.exe was restarted. This has now been fixed.

New Free features:
Allow to hide text in mini monitor bar
Have a reset mini monitor position button
Add randomize colors button for mini monitor
Add color presets for the mini monitor
Show system up time in the mini monitor settings window.
Users can set to have the mini monitors corners rounded or not.
Users can now set the text alignment for the 2 text fields on the mini monitor. Left, Center & Right.

New Pro features:
Advanced Monitor Rules: (The user can set these rules for any process they like (Not on protected processes of course)).
Clean the memory on a specific process when it hits a user set memory level. (Example: Firefox hits 150MB) The mini monitor cleans the memory instead of calling CleanMem. One less program to run :-)
Kill a program if it hits a certain amount of memory.
Auto set process priority on a process.

Auto clean the system file cache when it reaches a set size.
Set how often the advanced monitor rules will run.
Auto run CleanMem when system hits a user specified % of memory used.
Great details on running processes.
Allow users to choose a picture (jpg, bmp, gif) for the mini monitor bar.
Allow user to choose what text shows on the mini monitor Example: Total memory, used memory, free memory, page file commit, file cache size, system uptime and more.
Show current file cache info.
Show extended memory usage stats.

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