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Release Notes - Radeon Omega Drivers 3.8.330 (Catalyst 7.1 based)

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Radeon Omega Drivers 3.8.330 (Catalyst 7.1 based)
What's New in Omega Drivers?

[*] Based on the Catalyst 7.1 Official drivers.

[+] Added support for some new chipsets.

[*] Clarified some options in the installer.

Known Issues:
1) From Cat 6.6 and up ATI removed driver-level support for the following series of cards (including Mobility models): 7000, 7200, 7500, 8500, 9000, 9200, 9250. Since the Omega Drivers use ATI drivers as a base, that means they will also not include support for these chipsets, they may install, but the PC may give you a BSOD or a black screen upon boot. People that need to install Omega Drivers on these cards should use v3.8.252 or older, you can get these on the Archive section of my site.

Descrizione Download

Dimensione: N/A Annuncio

Tipo: Driver Altri Drivers

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