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Release Notes - Notepad++ 8.7.5 [Portable]

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Notepad++ 8.7.5 [Portable]
  1. Fix nfo file losing modification issue (regression from v8.7.4). (Fix #15964)
  2. Fix network file wrong modification detection (regression from v8.7.1). (Fix #15819)
  3. Fix regression “Open Selected PathName(s)” command not working while all selected. (Fix #15960)
  4. Fix unusuability after deleting files in split view. (Fix #15922)
  5. Fix unsaved documents lost on next launch if portable Notepad++ change path. (Fix #1587, #15886)
  6. Refactoring for the better performance & smaller binary size. (Fix #15898)
  7. Improve “Copy Selected Lines” command. (Fix #15803)
  8. Add Visual Basic function list. (Fix #3239)
  9. Add Swift, TypeScript, and Go for advanced Auto-indent. (Fix #15900)
  10. Fix UDL comment line not working due to conflict with stream comment definition. (Fix #11897)
  11. Enhance “Follow current doc.” GUI action/option in Find in files. (Fix #15908)
  12. Fix Reload Workspace not working. (Fix #11551)
  13. Add “Show details” functionality in installer. (Fix #15718)

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