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Release Notes - GIMP 2.10.6

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GIMP 2.10.6

- Render drawable previews asynchronously.
- Merge the file view filter and file format lists in GimpFileDialog. The presence of 2 lists was very confusing.


- New "Little Planet" (gegl:stereographic-projection) filter.


- Halt the Measure tool after straightening.
- Add an "orientation" option to the measure tool, corresponding to the "orientation" property of GimpToolCompass (i.e., it controls the orientation against which the angle is measured, when not in 3- point mode.) The orientation is "auto" by default, so that the angle is always <= 45 deg. Note that the "orientation" option affects the tool's "straighten" function, so that the layer is rotated toward the current orientation.
- Text layers can now represent vertical texts, with 4 variants: left-to-right and right-to-left lines, and forcing all characters to be upright or following Unicode's vertical orientation property.

See also:

User Interface:

- The Dashboard dockable dialog now has an "async" field to the dashboard's "misc" group, showing the number of async operations currently in the "running" state.
- New Preferences option to enable/disable layer-group previews, since these can get quite time-expensive.


- New language: Marathi
- 9 translations were updated: Brazilian Portuguese, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish.

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