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Release Notes - UltraEdit

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  • Native Unicode rewrite / refactoring of code for greatly improved handling and detection
    • Better rendering of non-Latin text in various Unicode formats
    • Better handling of Unicode file paths in title bar, file tabs, open file list, etc.
    • Resolved all issues related to opening files with Unicode characters
    • Greatly improved detection of (non-Unicode) code pages
    • Improved detection of UTF-8 string declaration
    • Automatic font / script substitution for non-Roman and OEM character sets
    • New "Encoding" settings under Advanced » Settings » File handling » Encoding
    • Ability to set fallback encoding / code page when auto-detection cannot determine
    • New prompt to convert ANSI file to UTF-8 when pasting Unicode/UTF-8 content
    • Support for using Unicode with "^c" and "^s" variables in macros/scripts
    • Added option to handle tool output as Unicode (in "Output" tab of tool settings)
    • Proper and full rendering in menus, dialogs, etc. for all language versions, regardless of OS language
    • Addressed multi-caret issues when inserting Asian / multi-byte characters
    • Addressed caret "jumping" issues in UTF-8 files
    • Addressed issues related to opening and saving UTF-8 files via FTP
    • Addressed issues related to word wrap with multi-byte characters / Asian scripts
    • Addressed caret positioning issues with Asian characters in Unicode / UTF-8 files
    • Countless other Unicode / UTF-8 improvements and adjustments
  • Full Unicode support for / in:
    • Macros and scripts
    • Function list
    • Tag list
    • Output window
    • Auto-complete
    • Key mapping
    • Open address and search toolbars
    • Ctags
    • Insert column
  • GUI to easily browse, add, and remove syntax highlighting languages
    • Access from Coding tab or Advanced » Settings » Editor display » Syntax highlighting
    • Check languages to add them, uncheck to remove them
    • Search / filter for languages
    • Reset syntax highlighting back to factory defaults
  • Find / replace enhancements
    • Optionally leave replace dialog open when doing step-by-step replace
    • Added ability to scroll find / replace histories with mouse wheel
    • Added support for Perl regexp buffer boundaries (\A, \z, etc.)
    • Added unobtrusive notification when search wraps to other end of file
    • Find / replace "In" setting now defaults to selected text only if 2 or more lines selected
    • Search in column now supports column number up to 20,000
    • Improved performance with many filtered lines (Show / hide lines)
    • Addressed many Perl regexp issues
    • Addressed "Count all" issue with Unicode characters
    • Addressed issues with slim replace dialog buttons
    • Addressed several quick find issues
  • Find string list enhancements
    • Find string list scrolls to track active line in edit window
    • Ability to create new file from find string list contents (context menu)
    • Highlighting of matches in find string list (toggle in context menu)
  • Find / replace in files enhancements
    • Added button to set find / replace in files directory to active file's directory on the fly
    • Added notification to status bar when find / replace in files completes
    • Status bar indicates number of matches / files searched as search progresses
    • Vastly improved performance and speed when writing results to output window
    • Find in files now checks each file for BOM and uses BOM-specified encoding for search
    • Added "Active file" option to encoding drop down (uses active file's encoding for search)
    • Added "Auto-detect" option to encoding drop down (will auto-detect each file's encoding during search)
    • Better results and display when searching across multiple encodings
    • Addressed issue with double-clicking on FTP file in find in [open] files results
  • XML manager enhancements
    • Added drag-and-drop support to move elements
    • New "Copy XPath" option for nodes/attributes
    • Added highlighting of current (edit window) position
    • Addressed issues with incorrectly reported error positions
    • Several other issues addressed
  • Drag and drop images / graphics, or browse to images, to insert them in active HTML document
    • Drag-and-drop any number of images directly into an HTML based file
    • For most HTML and web files, <img> links will be automatically inserted
    • For CSS files, the URL to the image will be inserted as a background-image property
    • Modify the HTML / CSS formats for inserted images in Settings » Editor » Image drag-and-drop
    • Hold Ctrl while dragging-and-dropping to modify the format on the fly
  • Select and open multiple files at once from Recently opened / closed files menu
    • New option "Open all"
    • Hold Ctrl and click files to select multiple at once
    • Click "Open selected" to open all checked items
  • "Join line(s)" feature (Edit tab)
    • Option to preserve leading spaces in Advanced » Settings » Editor » Advanced
  • Compare in UC Pro externally detected changes from file change detection prompt
  • New context menu for "Lists" tab in file view:
    • Add folders/files
    • Show names only
    • Rename file
    • Remove file from list
  • "Close all files to left / right" in file tab context menu (with key mapping support)
  • "Add to [Favorite / Project] Files" options on file tab / file view context menu
  • Drag-and-drop file tabs to file view "Project" and "Lists" tab to add to projects and lists
  • New option to use classic theme for printing ("Page setup" dialog)
  • User tools and default associated shortcuts now begin with "1" instead of "0"
  • Standardized capitalization of text (sentence case) in menus and UI
  • New /LanguageMarker flag for wordfiles for expanded shebang line recognition
  • New option to disable automatic hex mode for files containing nulls (hex 00) in Advanced » Settings » Editor » Hex mode
  • "Defaults" button in sort settings dialog
  • "Delete selected lines" now deletes complete line even if not completely selected
  • Paste into multiple selected columns while in column mode now pastes into all columns
  • Full customization support for edit window and file tab context menus
  • Improved performance and data handling with shared FTP accounts
  • Optimized file change detection to avoid pause when checking for changes in all open files
  • Support for OpenSSH 7.0+ (SSH console)
  • Addressed issues related to FTP-linked project folder
  • Addressed several issues when default ANSI encoding set to non-Latin code page

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