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Release Notes - Windows Firewall Control

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Windows Firewall Control
  • Updated: WFC recommended rules contain now the required rules for PING command for ICMPv4 and ICMPv6. Also, the recommended rule for WFC updater contains now the port 443 since the website uses now HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  • Updated: The disabled rules in Rules Panel and the entries in Connections Log use now system colors instead of hard coded colors. This improves readability when a high contrast theme is used.
  • Fixed: Inbound connections have local port and remote port swapped in Connections Log data grid.
  • Fixed: When choosing 'Customize and create' in Connections Log an inbound connection, the local port and IP should be swapped with the remote port and IP in order to create a working rule.
  • Fixed: Blank window with no message is displayed when trying to install an older version over an existing newer version.

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