- File encryption / decryption
- Encrypt your sensitive source code files using your own key
- Integrates with UltraSentry to (optionally) securely destroy original, unencrypted file
Environment Selector - Provides predefined or user-created editing "environments" that remember the state of all of UltraEdit's dockable windows, toolbars and more for user convenience.
Use one of our six pre-packaged environments...
- Notepad Replacement
- Web Developer
- Tech Writer
- Power User
- Programmer
- Sys Admin
...or set up and use your own, with your own windows, toolbars, menus, and templates
Use the environment selector from within the app to quickly switch environments with a single click
Import or export other users' environments
Switchable items in each environment include:
- Menus and toolbars
- Application launch size and position
- Dockable windows plus size and position
- Template list
Redesigned and enhanced Find and Replace Dialogs
- Multi-line scrollable text boxes for all find dialogs (find, find and replace, find in files, replace in files)
- Collapsible advanced options
- Search in specified column range
- Select which regular expression type (Perl, Unix, or UltraEdit-legacy) to use from within the find dialog
New WebSearch Toolbar: highlight text and click a websearch toolbar button to search for highlighted term from within the editor
- Google search
- Yahoo search
- Wikipedia
- Dictionary.com
- Thesaurus.com
- Whois
- Network Solutions Whois
- PHP.net search
- cplusplus.com search
- MSDN online search
MSI installer - makes your mass deployment of UltraEdit automated
Ability to move current line up or down in file with click of a button
Compare modified file with version on disk with enhanced UltraCompare Professional integration
Compare 2 snippets of text with enhanced UltraCompare Professional integration
Dockable named bookmark list - view all your bookmarks and their names
Dockable ASCII table
Redesigned Set Colors dialog
Auto tab row adjustment (Fixed auto-adjust Tabs)
Updated navigate option to search all terms in all Advanced -> Configuration dialogs
Single prompt for converting multiple Unix files when opened
Single save prompt for multiple modified files
Separate project file for user-specific and workspace information
Other enhancements