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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: WinRAR 7.10 beta 3 Ultime News
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Version 7.10 beta 3

1. RAR compression algorithm can use multiple Windows processor groups to utilize up to maximum supported 64 logical processors. It can improve RAR compression speed on systems with logical processors number exceeding 64 and not multiple of 64.

Previously the maximum number of logical processors was limited to a single processor group size, such as 36 for 72 processors.

2. Tree panel uses the logical sorting for folders inside of archives. It treats digits in folder names by their numerical value, so folders are sorted as "1", "2", "10" instead of "1", "10", "2". Such sorting was already used for folders outside of archives.

3. Dark mode visual improvements.

4. Bugs fixed:

a) if new files have been added to existing semi-solid RAR archive created with -se or -s switches, such files could be damaged. This issue doesn't affect usual solid archives created with -s, also as non-solid archives;

b) if internal viewer "Autodetect encoding" option was on, a wrong encoding name could be displayed in the viewer status bar;

c) compressing a network share top level folder from Explorer context menu failed with "Cannot open" error.
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Ultimi File
WinRAR 7.10 beta 3
NVIDIA Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.144.03
Futuremark SystemInfo 5.78.1322
GLview (ex OpenGL Extensions Viewer) 7.3.1
HDCleaner 2.085
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FurMark 2
NVEnc 7.79
GPU Shark
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