- Bugfix: Since V4.5.9 OnUserLogon section executed for the first user only logged on at the same time
- Bugfix: Since V4.8.7 on arrival of a drive the drive letter was removed for a short moment even is was not required
- Bugfix: Since V4.8.7 newly attached volumes not handled correctly if the was other volume with an identical device ID attached before
- Bugfix: Since V4.8.7 the USB port criteria was not reliable
- Bugfix: When registering as Windows service by means of the Windows API function CreateService USBDLM passed the path to the USBDLM.exe in the parameter lpBinaryPathName unquoted even it contains spaces. Despite the name of the parameter the Service Control Manager resolves it as a command line, thus with C:\Program Files\USBDLM\USBDLM.exe it would execute an existing C:\Program.exe with system previleges. The MSI did it right. USBDLM corrects the path without a reinstall.
- New: Setting SafeCommandLines to reject ambiguous open= command lines
- New: UsbDriveInfo warns for command lines which contain spaces but the executable not quoted
- New: "BadUSB" blocking: On arrival of an USB keyboard or network device USBDLM can ask the user if this is ok