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Release Notes - Reaper 3.75

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Reaper 3.75
render stems pre-fader now preserve pan law
Can be found e.g. here. A stem track inherits the pan law of the source track now (the stem itself remains unchanged).
My favourite pan law: steak<-left pan, right pan->home fries.
move media items down now properly creates tracks when starting with a single track
When using actions to move items down, a new track will be created if they are moved below the last existing track, similar to what happens when you move them with the mouse.

MIDI editor:

filter dialog now draws correctly with nonstandard font sizes
Example for many little fixes for v4 that also went into 3.75: MIDI filter display improvement.
undo state saving on CC lane insert
When inserting a CC lane, REAPER creates an undo point now (which it forgot before). Cockos is also licensing this oops-wrong-lane-undo-technology for supermarket checkouts and highway junctions.
fixed clearing sysex/text lanes causing crash
Crash caused by clearing something else now.


screenset stability fixes
Misc stability fixes for screensets.
better looking bullet-mark on MIDI editor CC lanes
Design submitted for several international bullet-mark design competitions.
Safer unloading of projects
Stupid sickle. When REAPER unloads a project, it's fitted with genuine Cockos corner protectors and extra bubble wrap now (all recycled material from surplus beach balls, thanks Steve!).


calling getOutputLatency() on resume until first audio block processed now produces more sane results
calling speakInWholeSentences on write until first information blocks produce more sane Ollie. Gibberish pertaining to the API usage.
audioMasterGetOutputTime will not return negative values

Item lanes: fixed overflow bug with large numbers of overlapping items
Sounds like a bug my desktop has, too.
Media item loading multiproject status fix Media item loading multiproject status fix
Fix for loading media items into multiple projects.

MIDI overdub recording: fixed noteoffs on 0 tick length notes
"0 tick length notes"... that explains it all, right? I hope so, I am completely clueless otherwise.
Misc: Other cleanups/stability improvements
This build has lots of small fixes (not only) coming from the v4 development. That's how they roll.
Project rate envelope: better sound with PDC/anticipative FX and editing envelope
Less artifacts when editing envelopes.
ReaFir: fixed analysis range inaccuracies
Inaccuracies now more constant.
ReaXcomp: fixed threshold smoothing bug when automating to extremely low thresholds
...which made automation a bit rough down there.

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